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Welcome to Ischemic Stroke Lesion Segmentation (ISLES), a medical image segmentation challenge at the International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2016. On the VSD-SMIR, you can register for the challenge, download the test data and submit your results. For more information, visit the official ISLES homepage under www.isles-challenge.org (2016).




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How to Join

You have to use your institutional email address for the registration.
Please note that while you can use non-institutional emails (e.g. Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.) your request might be refused depending on the license model of the dataset (e.g. non-commercial use), hence, we recommend using an educational or non-profit account.

First time users will have to register, selecting ISLES2016 as research unit in the process. If you already have an account with SMIR, navigate to Group Administration and select "Join another research unit" to join ISLES2016. In both cases, you will have to wait until your registration is confirmed by an administrator

MICCAI Challenge Tasks

Task I: Lesion outcome prediction

Please submit your Task I results in NIfTI format, make sure the header information corresponds to the ADC image of the case read carefully the instructions in the Upload section

Some important notes: We have 2 ground-truth images so we measure inter-observer variability, so upon uploading of your segmentation results you need to perform the evaluation for each ground-truth image on the respective page.

Task II: Clinical outcome prediction

Task II will be evaluated using the RMSE error. Others will be explored for ordinal variables

Please send your CSV file directly to Mauricio Reyes by email


We highly advice to use ISLES2017 dataset as it is an expanded and richer version of ISLES2016.

Training Data

You need to log in to download the training data!

Testing Data

You need to log in to download the testing data!

Data usage and licensing

This ISLES2016 database is made available under Open Database License whose full text can be found at http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/dbcl/.

Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License whose text can be found at http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/dbcl/. A more human-readable summary can be found under http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/summary/

Please cite the challenge article if you use the data:

Oskar Maier et al.
        ISLES 2015 - A public evaluation benchmark for ischemic stroke lesion segmentation from multispectral MRI
        Medical Image Analysis, Available online 21 July 2016, ISSN 1361-8415

Uploading the results

Please register/log in to upload your training and/or testing results.

Ongoing benchmark leaderboards

For the ongoing ISLES benchmark, you can find the leaderboards below. They are ordered alphabetically by team name and can be sorted by evaluation measure.

MICCAI 2016 challenge results

The final ranking of the concluded MICCAI 2016 ISLES kick-off challenge can be found under www.isles-challenge.org including a short description of all participating methods.

View the results from MICCAI 2016 (at isles-challenge.org)

Leaderboard: Testing GT1

Testing results are a summary of single-case evaluations that can be used to benchmark approaches. Per-case results are not available to users as to minimize efforts where methods are fine-tuned to the testing dataset.

Leaderboard: Testing GT2

Testing results are a summary of single-case evaluations that can be used to benchmark approaches. Per-case results are not available to users as to minimize efforts where methods are fine-tuned to the testing dataset.

Leaderboard: Training